Article Contents:
Quick Overview
Flat Rate Shipping
Inventory Buffer
Directory Listing
Fulfillment Time
Return Policy
Revenue Split
Retailer Access
Directory Listing
Quick Overview:
The Supplier settings section offers powerful tools to help you manage your Carro experience and partnerships.
Here's how to navigate to your Supplier settings:
1. Click on the "gear" icon on the left-hand navigation column.
2. Click on "Supplier" under the Settings title.
3. Complete.
Flat Rate Shipping:
Set shipping fees and free shipping thresholds.
Inventory Buffer:
Control your inventory buffer.
Fulfillment Time:
Share your Fulfillment Time on your directory listing for new and existing retail partners to view.
Return Policy:
Add a link to your Return Policy for existing and potential retail partners to reference and share with their customers.
Revenue Split:
Set your Revenue Split - decide the percentage you keep from each sale. Each time one of your products sells, you get to keep this percentage of the sale.
Retailer Access:
Control your Retailer Access settings -
Open Access: A retailer can begin adding your products to their store right away and doesn't need you to approve them.
Curated Access: You get to review and approve each request before the retailer can begin selling your products in their store.
Directory Listing:
View and control the visibility of your directory listing.