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What you need to know to be a supplier!
As a Supplier, What Happens if I Need to Cancel an Order?
Supplier Settings.
For Suppliers, How to Create Sale Events.
For Suppliers, How to Control Pricing Rules.
How do I get set up as a Supplier?
What is the Products Tab?
As a Supplier, How Can I Access my Stripe Direct Reports?
For Suppliers, What is Carro Price?
Choose Your Revenue Split as a Supplier.
Supplier Approval Settings - Open Access vs Curated Access.
Supplier Return Policy
Supplier Fulfillment Times
As a Supplier, is there a way to Search for Retailers?
As a Supplier, What Does an Order Look Like From a Retailer's Store?
Can Retailers Run Ads on my Products?
Can I Hide or Remove my Brand From the Directory?
As a Supplier, How Can I Have a Sale Without Affecting My Product's Pricing on Active Partnerships?
Can I Still Use Carro if I Don't Track Inventory in Shopify?
How do Suppliers get Paid?
What happens if the supplier has to cancel an order?
For Suppliers, Is There a Way to Ask Retailers to Carry Us on Their Site?