Article Contents:
Quick Overview
Partnership Details & Parameters
Quick Overview:
The Partners tab is where all of your active partnerships reside.
From this view, you can easily find all of your existing partners arranged by the role of supplier or retailer, contact information, and more!
Partnership Details & Parameters:
Within the Partners tab you can find:
1. Your EARN percentage (your earnings per sale after deducting Carro’s and your partner’s fees).
2. Partner contact info.
3. Agreed parameters for each partnership.
4. Number of products added.
5. For retailers: a link to add more products from the partner and enable Auto Subscribe.
6. For suppliers: the retailer's request notes & a link to Manage all products, which will take you to your Products tab.
You can sort by Newest Partnerships, by Alphabetical order, by brand + contact, and by Rev-Split (high-to-low).
For retailers, clicking "Add Products" will take you directly to your partner's listing to add more products.
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