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What you need to know to be a retailer!
How do I get set up as a Retailer?
How do I Launch a Partner's Product on my Site?
Retailer Order Cancellation Requests.
Can I Search the Directory by Product?
As a Retailer, What Does an Order Look Like for a Supplier's Product?
For Retailers, a Go Live Checklist.
As a Retailer, What Happens if I Need to Cancel an Order?
Can a retailer create an order on behalf of a customer filled with supplier products?
As a Retailer, How do I add a Supplier's Product to my Store?
Can a retailer add a supplier product to an existing Carro order?
Can I Edit the Product Descriptions/Images of Supplier Products?
As a Retailer, How Can I Update My Credit Card on File?
As the Retailer, Can I See Tracking Info for Supplier Orders?
For Retailers, Inventory Location for Carro Products.
Can Retailers Change the Prices of Supplier Products?
Why do Retailers Need to add a Credit Card?
As a Retailer, How Can I Cancel a Partnership?
Does the Compare-At-Price Field Sync Between the Retailer and Supplier stores?
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